Category: ecology

The changing face of Lake Nakuru

This gallery contains 20 photos.

Our final stop on the way to Nairobi and home was Lake Nakuru. This is the third time I’ve been and this time we persuaded Andrew to go early (normally we set off at 9 or 10 but the animals tend to start slowing down mid morning).


Springfield and the eco-congregation award in the paper

Springfield’s eco-congregation award is in the Sutton Guardian (let me know if it gets in the print version) – hat tip to Sue Cooke for letting me know.

See the story on their website here

Just been awarded an ecocongregation award….

Well we’ve had the assessors in for the ecocongregation audit and spent two hours last night going through our submission for the award. I am thrilled to say that we have been awarded it!

How green is our church……..

Well today is an exciting day. This evening we are having the assessors in from Ecocongregation to see if we qualify for an award. Ecocongregation is aimed at helping churches look at how we address environmental issues. We have had a group in the church (based round our eco cell led by George Dow) looking

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It’s a Laxton Favourite for me….

Twitter can be a great place to find stuff out (even stuff that you sort of thought you knew). If you follow some of the right people they link to all sorts of strange and interesting articles.