Category: Atheism

Blogs that have to do with atheism

What questions do you want me to ask the Archbishop of Canterbury??

Well, as I have already mentioned once or twice we have the Archbishop of Canterbury visiting Springfield Church for our twentieth anniversary celebration this Sunday. 

Blair vs Hitchens – some statistics and why the news has got it wrong

There has just been a well publicised debate between Tony Blair and Christopher Hitchens on the role of God in the world – the motion was – “Be it resolved, religion is a force for good in the world”. It was a bit of a bizarre one. Choosing one of the most controversial recent converts

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Good without God

The Illinois Secular Student Society has launched a Secular Samaritan campaign. They make the point that you can be good without God and use the instance of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet both of whom have and continue to give away billions of dollars to good causes.