Category: Easter

Celebrating the Jewish Jesus

This gallery contains 13 photos.

There has been an increasing interest in recent years about the Jewish roots of Jesus, which has been incredibly helpful for our understanding of him and what he was trying to share. Too often in the past we have tried to create a Jesus that is either made into our image (think of some of

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Meditation for Holy Week: Maundy Thursday

Pilate washing his hands in front of Jesus

The great event that so often we associate with Maundy Thursday is the washing of the disciples feet by Jesus which I meditated on last year. This year I am following the Gospel lectionary readings and today we see Jesus before Pilate and Herod (Luke 23:1-25).

Holy Week Meditation: Wednesday

When should we speak and when should we not? What part does our own preservation play in what we say and do? How should we treat those on the receiving end of our anger or frustration?

Holy Week Meditation: Tuesday

Rembrandt's Peter denying Christ

There is always so much in each of the daily reading. Today’s reading is Luke 22: 24-53. It is a fascinating reading given the loss of prestige and the loss of status in the past few decades for the church.

Holy Week Monday

The Gospel reading this year for Monday of Holy week is Luke 22:1-23. I am going to be following the readings this year rather than going through chronologically.

Meditation for Good Friday

Daniel Bonnell's - Color of Red - crucifixion

There is a song/hymn that we often sing in Church called “In Christ Alone”. Part of one of the verses runs like this:

Meditation for Maundy Thursday

We’ve come to the last supper. John’s Gospel has a large section on the Last Supper and has a series of actions and discourses that gets behind the ministry of Jesus. Its shot through with symbolism and meaning.

Meditation for Wednesday of Holy Week

The lectionary reading for today is a scene from the Last Supper. Indeed more specifically its the scene where Judas leaves to betray Jesus.


Easter Story told on Twitter

Thanks to who put me onto the Easter story being told via Twitter. I’m always a sucker for these videos. Enjoy! By the way it also shows you how twitter works! Two for the price of One! Read More

Meditation for Tuesday of Holy Week

Today’s reading, in the Church of England lectionary, is a strange one. It starts by describing a group of Greek people who wish to talk to Jesus.